Bed Shape Planter

Bed Shape Planter
Bed Shape Planter
Bed Shape Planter
Bed Shape Planter
Bed Shape Planter
Bed Shape Planter

A bed shape planter enables even spread of fertiliser and controls the growth of weeds. It also enables efficient management of water. A bed shape planter makes beds, plants seeds and applies fertiliser evenly. It is used for forming flat beds to control salt stress. Its placer wheel makes deep plantation of seeds possible. Raised beds created via a bed shape planter can counter many gardening challenges. These raised beds can be maintained properly with the help of this implement.

Uses and benefits of Bed Shape Planter

Helps construct and maintain raised beds that are more productive
Less compaction of soil and better drainage
Plants can grow earlier due to earlier warmth
Lessened perennial weed pressure
It can shape three furrows and two beds simultaneously

Bed Shape Planter Specifications

Frame: 50x50x6 m box
Hitch: 75x36x6 mm
Tine: 50x20 mm
Length: 1520 mm
Height: 2240 mm
Width: 2240 mm
Approximate weight: 470 kgs
Tractor compatibility: 50 HP and above.

Why Bed Shape Planter Popular in Africa

Several African countries like Malawi face the problem of heavily compacted soil layer. Occasional usage of heavy machinery may be the cause. Due to this issue, plant roots, water and air are unable to penetrate the hard layer, which are necessary elements for healthy soil conditions. Creating raised beds can lead to a favourable environment for crops. Raised bed farming has proven benefits. A bed shape planter is used for creating and maintaining raised beds and African farmers can definitely benefit from implementing this technique in their hard soil farms.

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