Cotton Ridger

Cotton Ridger
Cotton Ridger
Cotton Ridger
Cotton Ridger
Cotton Ridger

A cotton ridger is a multipurpose implement used for ridging multiple crops like maize, cotton, sugarcane, etc. It is one of the most popular implements available at Tractors PK, a tractor company in Africa. A cotton ridger is a row cultivator ridger. It makes ridges and opens furrows.

Cotton Ridger Uses and Benefits

·         It creates ridges for crops, such as cotton, as well as opens furrows in order to better facilitate the flow of water.
·         This kind of planting technique results in higher yields.
·         Saves water considerably due to furrow-irrigated ridges
·         Gathers and places loose soil for row plantation
·         More beneficial for farmers as compared to manual farming, due to minimal wastage of water and higher crop outputs.

Cotton Ridger Specifications

·         Number of tines: 9
·         Hydraulic system
·         Overall length: 90 inches
·         Overall height: 43 inches
·         Overall width: 36 inches
·         Provision for adjustment: tines depth and row spacing
·         Compatible with tractors of 60-70 HP. 

Cotton Ridger Popularity in Africa

Most smallholder farms in Africa grow cotton plant exclusively. Cotton does well in Africa as it requires warm weather for growth. Africa’s humid and dry weather makes it natural for cotton to flourish. Implements like cotton ridger are a favourite among African farmers due to the fact that it makes cultivation of crops simpler and cuts costs to a great extent. Brand new cotton ridgers and other farm implements are available at trusted local tractor dealers in Africa. One such company is Tractors PK that deals in brand new farm implements for sale in Africa.


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Mr Abdul Razaq (Mozambique)


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