Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter

Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter
Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter
Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter
Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter

Product Overview
A raised bed pneumatic planter is used for sowing cotton, sunflower, soya, sugar, beet, and corn seeds in a precise manner on ridges for better water management and growth. It creates raised beds for improved productivity.
Uses and Benefits of a Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter
Offers maximum efficiency with minimum costs
Plants seeds with precision
Places fertiliser and seeds with uniform spacing at the required depth
Helps attain uniform seed germination
Results in vigorous seedlings
Saves water, fertiliser and seeds
Allows for better water irrigation
Can make adjustable furrows
Precise row spacing
Technical Specifications of a Raised Bed Pneumatic Planter
Tractor rear mounted implement
Tractor compatibility: minimum 50 HP
Adjustable furrow and bed size
Number of rows: 4
Uses pneumatic metering mechanism
Hitch: Category II
Usage in Africa
Raised bed planting works best for organic farmers. Since this method leads to better drainage, it is best suited for heavy clay soils. African smallholder farms can handle compaction by adopting the raised bed technology using our high quality raised bed pneumatic planter available at Tractors Pk, a reliable tractor company in Africa.

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 Very happy with this Massey tractor and implements. Will come soon for more.

Customer from Kenya


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