Rotary Tiller Cultivator

Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator
Rotary Tiller Cultivator

Rotary Tiller Cultivator Overview

It is used for primary and secondary tillage. A rotary tiller cultivator prepares land for cultivation and also helps maintain land. It breaks up clods and allows the soil to absorb moisture. It works by rotating blades and keeps appropriate texture of seed beds. It protects the crop roots from damage by using a shallow depth setting.


Uses and Benefits of a Rotary Tiller Cultivator

·         Durable against stress and torque

·         Efficient and smooth power transmission

·         Grease fittings on driveline and rotary shaft

·         Pulverises and moisturises the soil

·         Buries crop residue and weeds

·         Used for shallow tillage

·         Cheap to maintain

·         Ploughs the farm using blades

·         Ensures higher yields

·         Maintains the field to increase crop yield

·         Suitable for different soils.


Technical Specifications of Rotary Tiller Cultivator

·         Blades: 30-60

·         Rotor speed at 540 rpm: 213

·         Working depth: 22 cm

·         Tractor HP (PTO): 50 HP and above

·         Heat treated blades.


Rotary Tiller Cultivator Usage in Africa


Rotary tiller cultivators are used by African farmers to prepare the soil eroded lands for plantation and to maintain them. They have experienced higher growth of crops by utilising this implement. A rotary tiller cultivator, along with other such brand new farm equipment for sale can be bought from Tractors Pk, a reputable tractor company in Africa.

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The customer service and assurance from the Company is superb. Great purchasing from Tractors PK. Received my NH640S in great condition. I appreciate!

Mr. Sylvester Walusala Wafula (Kenya)


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