Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho

Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho
Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho
Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho
Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho
Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho
Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho

The Jib crane is a tractor implement that easily does jobs that require heavy effort if done manually. The loading and unloading of drums containing fuel, seeds, fertilizer bags, machinery and other items can fluidly be done by the help of this machine. It is made from steel and can lift weights up to 500 kg from the comfort of your tractor’s seat. Its shape makes it very helpful for loading and unloading from trucks and trailers.

FAQ about Jib Crane Farm Implements for sale in Lesotho

Jib Crane manufactured in Pakistan by Tractors PK.
Click here for more

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Our Customers

I appreciate your patience and cooperation your availed me before and after payments of the tractor. Hoping to do more business with you in the near future
Wilson Gumbo (Kasane, Botswana)


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